Which of the following is one of the characteristics of Weber's ideal bureaucracy?
(a) Few rules and procedures
(b) Impersonality
(c) Promotion by privilege not by merit
(d) Ambiguous hierarchy of authority
Answer: B
Learn More :
- A person's desires for a comfortable life and family security represent _________ values, whereas his or her desires to be honest and hard working represent _________ values.
- In respect to the link between bad management and ethical behavior, research shows that _________.
- At what Kohlberg calls the _________ level of moral development, an individual can be expected to act consistent with peers, meet obligations, and follow rules of social conduct.
- If a manager takes a lot of time explaining to a subordinate why he did not get a promotion and sincerely listens to his concerns, this is an example of an attempt to act ethically according to _________ justice.
- Which ethical position has been criticized as a source of "ethical imperialism"?
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- Someone who exposes the ethical misdeeds of others in an organization is usually called a/an _________.
- According to research on ethics in the workplace, _________ is/are often a major and frequent source of pressures that create ethical dilemmas for people in their jobs.
- If a manager fails to enforce a late-to-work policy for all workers—that is, by allowing some favored employees to arrive late without penalties—this would be considered a violation of _________.
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- When managers make decisions based on solid facts and information, this is known as _________.
- If an organization is considered an open system, work activities that turn resources into outputs are part of the _________ process.
- The highest level in Maslow's hierarchy is _________.
- The big interest today in _________ refers to the management practice of using mathematics and computing power to examine "big data" for insights on business.
- ____ management assumes people are complex, with widely varying needs.
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- If an organization was performing poorly, what would Henri Fayol most likely advise as a way to improve things?
- One of the conclusions from the Hawthorne studies was that _________.
- Which principle states that a person should only receive orders from one boss in an organization?
- When a manager puts Danté in a customer relations job because he has strong social needs and gives Sherrill lots of daily praise because she has strong ego needs, he is displaying _________.
- If your local bank or credit union is a complex system, then the loan-processing department of the bank would be considered a _________.
- If Douglas McGregor heard an instructor complaining that her students were lazy and irresponsible, he would say these assumptions _________.
- The Hawthorne studies were important in management history because they raised awareness about the influence of _________ on productivity.
- A management consultant who advises managers to carefully study jobs, train workers to do them with efficient motions, and tie pay to job performance is using ideas from _________.
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